The next meeting of the Maine Cheese Guild is Monday, September 25, 10-2, at Seal Cove Farm in Lamoine, our host Barbara Brooks. Realizing that this is a long drive for many, we’re not structuring the meeting, so late arrivals are welcome! Please bring cheese and/or lunch items to share.
President Note
The next meeting of the Maine Cheese Guild is scheduled for Monday, May 15, 10-2, at Oak Leaf Creamery in Kennebunkport. Our host David Peterson. We’ll have updates on the Harvest Fund Grant and the Dairy Promotion funds issue. Please bring cheese to share.†
President Note
The next meeting of the Maine Cheese Guild is scheduled for Monday, April 3, 10-2, at Sunset Acres Farm in Brooksville, hosts Anne Bossi and Bob Bowen. Bring cheese to share! We’ll be planning a fall workshop with Patrick Anglade and discussing volunteers for various Guild events. Bob has some used equipment to show, as well as lots of cute baby kids. Jane Marasco also has the completed list of books in the guild library, now located at State of Maine Cheese Co.