Notes on Water Buffalo Cheesemaker from ACS 2015

Notes on Water Buffalo Session at ACS Conference 2015
7/31/2015 10AM
[photo courtesy of Zhangzhugang through Wikimedia]

Quattro Portoni: Water Bufala in Northern Italy? A Transition That Worked!
by Bruno Gritti, moderated by Michele Buster

190 million Water Buffalo in the world; less than 1% are in Italy (370,000), 2.9% in Africa, 2.4% elsewhere in Europe and North and South America combined; the remainder are in Asia. [Reference: U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, 2012]

Italian Bufala is considered a sub-species; its geneology is tracked back to 12,000 animals that survived WWII. Most are found in Campania (278,000), followed by Lazio (66,000), and then Lombardy (only 6,000).

Quattro Portoni is in Bergano Province in Lombardy, which is the alpine region of norther Italy. They have 60 Hectares of pasture and fields that grow wheat and tritcale as well as hay. They generate 99% of their feed on the farm. They maintain 250 milking cows, 100 “non-dairy” animals, 300 heifers, and 170 steers at any one time.
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Meeting: Holiday Party at Kennebec Cheesery in Sydney

Our annual Holiday Party took place on Sunday, December 13th from noon to 4pm. Our host Jean Koons and her Kennebec Cheesery family provided an elegant space in which to taste some Holiday Cheese — a Romano-type that folks made around the Fourth of July…then we all enjoyed a pot luck lunch, a brief business meeting, and a Holiday Quiz.

We tasted Romano and Romano type cheeses made with goat, sheep, and cow milk, including a PDO Romano

We tasted Romano and Romano type cheeses made with goat, sheep, and cow milk, including a PDO Romano

A *small slice* of the goodies laid out for the Holiday Party

A *small slice* of the goodies laid out for the Holiday Party