Interested in Organic Sheep and Goat Production?

***AG TRADE SHOW: 3:00PM JANUARY 8, 2013***

This will be a meeting to:

• Learn about Organic Certification,
• Learn about NRCS transition to organic funding,
• Hear about ways MOFGA can help with barriers,
• Hear from certified organic producers.
• Share ideas for programming and support

Sorry for any problem this change might have caused.

Any questions? Contact me.

Please RSVP to;
Diane Schivera
Organic Livestock Specialist
Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association, MOFGA
294 Crosby Brook Rd., PO Box 170 Unity, ME 04988
207-568-4142 FAX: 568-4141
[email protected]

Guild T-Shirts

We still have T-shirts available in both cream and the greenish color. Most sizes available in both colors. If anyone is in need let me know I could bring to the meeting Monday, $10 each.

[email protected]