tourist brochure/map insert

Greetings Guild Members!

Last month I took on communications with a graphic designer to create an insert for the existing Maine Cheese Guild brochure, that would include a map and list of licensed creameries/dairies that would welcome visitors (not just for open Creamery Day).  Also with interest in rewriting some of  the existing brochure.

Regarding this, I have questions for you all…

I had been under the understanding that we wanted to revamp the existing brochure, print more copies and then to also have created and printed the map insert to go along with the brochures.  And then to be able to access printable copies of each here on the guild website.

I had [mis]understood that the graphic design company I was put in contact with for creating the insert were the original printers of the brochure.  What I have learned is that it was a different company who created the brochure.

So my questions for you all are: Should we in fact be revamping the brochure and having more printed?  By the same people who designed it?  Should we be hiring a different design company to create the insert or asking the original brochure folks?  Lastly, I would need to be put in contact with the original brochure folks if our decision is that we be working with them for any of this.

Please post or send me replies and any feedback you are inspired to express.

Thank you!

~ Robin (of 3 Level Farm in South China)

3levelfarm at  (207) 445-3276

UMaine Dairy Research 2012

Beth Calder worked on a collaborative research project with Barbara Brooks, Seal Cove Farm, and her colleagues at the UMaine Department of Food Science & Human Nutrition.  Their graduate student worked on a product development project to incorporate fish oils into soft goat cheese.  The research was published and picked up by IFT News, which is an international Food Science organization.  To read more, please visit this web site: