World Jersey Cheese Awards 2012 Call for Entries

Hello cheesemakers-

This is just a reminder that entries for the World Jersey Cheese Awards are due Friday, September 21. If you’ve already entered and haven’t received your confirmation and shipping instructions, please contact coordinator Alison Le Gallais (

The online entry form can be found on the Jersey Cheese Awards website. Contest rules can also be found on the website. Entry size will be limited to 1 pound (500g) due to the contest’s importation license.

There is no cost to enter and cheesemakers need only pay shipping to get their product to the U.S. consolidation point for shipping to the Isle of Jersey. Entrants will receive further shipping details after the entry form is received.

Thank you and good luck!

Sarah Gilbert
National All-Jersey, Inc.
6486 East Main Street
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068

The Big E Cheese Competition 2012

The Big E Cheese Competition 2012

—Contest Entry Forms and Fees Due August 10th—

Do you want your cheese to get recognized for its amazing taste?

Enter the fourth annual Big E Gold Medal Cheese Competition.

If you make cheese and are a licensed cheese maker located in New England, submit your entry forms and fees by August 10th, then prepare to send your contest entries to arrive at the Eastern States Exposition by August 21st and 22nd for the Judging Day of August 24th.

Good luck!

ACS Raleigh — Day Two

dawn over eastern Raleigh and the Piedmont
There is so much to pack into each ACS conference (or maybe because many of the attendees work with dairy animals) things start early; with breakfast at 7:30am, Kevin and I woke at 6:00am with the sun clearing the horizon and the Progress Energy building across from the Marriott; the moisture in the air is visible this early, though the locals say that we’ve been very lucky. The temps have *only* been in the 90s the last few days, and that trend is forecast to continue — a serious cool down for August.


After breakfast (largely of Vermont cheese for me, though muffins and bagels were also available) Temple Grandin kicked off the conference this morning. She had a lot to say about animal welfare, organic versus conventional agriculture, BIG ag versus small ag, Europe vs. US ag, and the shocking lack of basic biology knowledge in the general public. Her speech was inspiring, especially in how she was able to convince huge corporations to care about the animals the processed– she claimed that right now more than 50% of the animals slaughtered in the US are processed using equipment she designed. The speech was also reassuring because I know many farmers who are using similar measures to what she described as necessary so that any animal has “a life worth living” even if they are grown to become meat.
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