
Dairy Sanitation Workshop June 1st

University of Maine Cooperative Extension has announced that they will present a Dairy Sanitation Workshop on Monday, June 1st at the University of Maine Orono campus in the Buchanan Alumni Hall, McIntire Room. The Maine Cheese Guild will co-sponsor the event, and Guild members will receive a discount on the workshop fee.

Guild members will get a discount on the registration fee — here is the link to register.

Registration opens at 8:15am and the sessions begin at 9am. This will be an all-day workshop with a break for lunch (included in the workshop fee). There will be a limit of 50 people they can accommodate so it is advised that you register as soon as possible to make sure there is room for you at the workshop.

This workshop will also include the latest update on the upcoming implementation of the federal Food Safety and Modernization Act which will completely overhaul food safety compliance across the country beginning October 2015. (The Guild has posted updates on this periodically but we expect things to change right up through the implementation.)

June 6 Artisan Cheesemaker Food Safety Workshop in Conn

On June 6, 2014, the New England Dairy Promotion Board will be sponsoring the Artisan/Farmstead Cheese Maker Food Safety Workshop from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. at the University of Connecticut.

This hands-on workshop will help cheese makers understand best practices and techniques for pathogen control in their facilities to assure a continued safe and nutritional end product, while addressing the stringent regulations coming from the FSMA. The workshop will include topics such as GMPs, sanitation, preventative and microbial controls, environmental monitoring, and ingredient and product pathogen testing.

Food safety is an important issue, and we recognize that you work with many individuals who may find this workshop valuable including cheese makers and manufacturers, extension and industry professionals, and retail and foodservice cheese buyers. We’d greatly appreciate it if you would share the attached flier with your colleagues and other individuals who may be interested in attending this workshop.

For more information see this brochure (PDF).

To register visit:

Have a great day!

Madeline Magin
UMass Extension CDLE Team
201 Natural Resources Way
305 Bowditch Hall
Amherst MA, 01003
P: (413) 545-5221

UMaine Dairy Sanitation Workshop

May 16, 2013 – 8:00am-5:00pm

Nutting Hall, Room 204 – University of Maine, Orono campus (links for directions and a campus map).

Lunch is included and coffee and snacks in the morning.

Space is limited to the first 30 people. Cost for Guild Members: $30.00 / Non-Guild Members: $60.00

This workshop will cover an overview of sanitation topics such as bacterial pathogens related to dairy products, milking/milk room sanitation, as well as facility sanitation. Ronda Stone from the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry will also talk about sanitation from an inspector’s perspective. Other special guests will include Sarah Spring, Spring Day Creamery who will discuss her own recent sanitation issues and how she overcame them. We will also have hands-on activities in the Pilot Plant to take the theory we learned and put it to practice.

For more information about this 1 day training and how to register, please visit this web site:
Due to the hands-on activities, we have to limit the attendance to 30 people.

Please contact
–Beth Calder (581-2791 or [email protected]) if you have questions in regards to the workshop.
–Melissa Libby if you have registration questions at 1-800-287-7170 or [email protected].