UMaine Dairy Sanitation Workshop

May 16, 2013 – 8:00am-5:00pm

Nutting Hall, Room 204 – University of Maine, Orono campus (links for directions and a campus map).

Lunch is included and coffee and snacks in the morning.

Space is limited to the first 30 people. Cost for Guild Members: $30.00 / Non-Guild Members: $60.00

This workshop will cover an overview of sanitation topics such as bacterial pathogens related to dairy products, milking/milk room sanitation, as well as facility sanitation. Ronda Stone from the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry will also talk about sanitation from an inspector’s perspective. Other special guests will include Sarah Spring, Spring Day Creamery who will discuss her own recent sanitation issues and how she overcame them. We will also have hands-on activities in the Pilot Plant to take the theory we learned and put it to practice.

For more information about this 1 day training and how to register, please visit this web site:
Due to the hands-on activities, we have to limit the attendance to 30 people.

Please contact
–Beth Calder (581-2791 or [email protected]) if you have questions in regards to the workshop.
–Melissa Libby if you have registration questions at 1-800-287-7170 or [email protected].

Workshops 2013: Naturally Wrapped And Clabbered Cheeses

This is a Hands-on Two Day Workshop
April 20-21 (Saturday/Sunday), 2013 from 9am to 5pm
State of Maine Cheese Company, Route 1, Rockport, ME

Sullivan’s Pond FarmBonnyclabber Cheese™ founder Rona Myers Sullivan of Sullivan’s Pond Farm, Inc., will offer a workshop covering the basics of her clabbered milk cheeses and their natural wraps and coverings. Rona will go over the conditions, techniques and troubleshooting methods that she finds crucial to the most consistent rustic fermented milk cheese. You’ll learn about culinary-safe leaf wrapping options and how she macerates them. Rona will share the secrets of her beeswaxing technique and appliques, and how you can make your own grapevine ash in a retort.  Bonnyclabber curds take a couple of days to prepare, so they’ll be ready before class for your hands-on shaping, wrapping, ash coating and waxing pleasure!

Space will be limited to this hands-on two day workshop: the first 15 students who send a deposit into our Guild Treasurer will be guaranteed a spot. Additional students may choose to be placed on the waiting list in which case they will need to be prepared to join the class with a few days notice in case of any cancellations.

COST: $150 for Guild members, $175 for non-members (price includes a one year membership to the Guild)

Send your $75 deposit (checks can be made out to the “Maine Cheese Guild”) to guarantee a spot to:

The Maine Cheese Guild
c/o Mark Whitney, Treasurer
Pineland Farms
32 Farm View Drive
New Gloucester, Maine 04260
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more on trade show

Hi All,

Just a reminder we are having this session at the Ag Trades Show next tuesday Jan 8.

Hope to see you then if you have an interest about transitioning your sheep or goats to organic production.



Organic Sheep and Goat Production Producers Roundtable

Organic Producers, MOFGA Organic Transitions Coordinator, Katy Green and Organic Livestock Specialist, Diane Schivera

Join us for a session with Certified Organic producers to learn about organic certification, opportunities to transition to organic with NRCS and join in a discussion about how MOFGA’s technical services can help you with production challenges.