
2023 Maine Ag Trades Show

Please join us at the Maine Agricultural Trades Show!

January 10-12,  2023

We will have a booth throughout the trade show and host a Guild meeting from 1:00-5:00 on Tuesday, January 10th in the Howard Room. Agenda will include the premier of the 2022 Cheese Business Survey by Atlantic Corporation and a chance to meet and talk with cheese makers!


Grant Opportunity

The Northeast Dairy Business Innovation Center (NE-DBIC) is excited to kick off the second round of the Dairy Food Safety and Certification Grant. This round comes after the success of the 2022 Dairy Food Safety and Certification Grant in which we funded close to $300k for 12 projects across the Northeast.

Applicants eligible for these funds must fall into at least one of the following categories:

1. Dairy farmer (producer) of milk that is headquartered or based in the Northeast and sources or produces milk within the Northeast.
2. Dairy processors that are headquartered in the Northeast that transform raw milk into an edible product with milk sourced from the Northeast region. Processors must be licensed in a way that their product can be sold across state lines OR are a processor whose grant project will help their business move toward getting licensed in a way that will allow them to sell their product across state lines.
3. Dairy producer association/dairy council which represents and promotes dairy products/dairy businesses of the Northeast.

Learn more here.