Hey all, I volunteered at the last cheese guild meeting to find out who is interested in selling cheese at the guild booth at the common ground fair this year. If we have enough interest I will coordinate folks through the application process. The application is now available online on the Agricultural Products area webpage at http://www.mofga.org/TheFair/Areas/AgriculturalProducts/tabid/324/Default.aspx The postmark deadline is: March 23rd, 2012. Please email me asap if you want to be part of the booth as I need to see if there is enough guild interest first to go through with the application process. please send emails to [email protected] or call me at 948-5268
Jessie Dowling
Doesn’t all food sold at Common Ground need to be MOFGA certified or certified organic in some other way?
I have just requested a meeting with April and Jim at MOFGA and I am going to get a clear understanding of the guildlines for products we sell at the fair and report back to the guild as soon as I know, this is what we decided on at the meeting at Spring Day Creamery last week. Please email me with questions or concerns that I can bring to the meeting with MOFGA and I will do my best to represent the Guild
MOFGA’s food ingredient decision tree states that if an ingredient is not available organically in the state, it is possible to use it if it is produced sustainably. Since there is no organic goat or sheep milk available for sale to cheesemakers, therefore, goat and sheep cheese made from non-organic milk ought to be allowed, according to their own guidelines. However, they are insisting that we use all organic. In other parts of the fair, non-organic yet local ingredients are used in many places. They need to resolve this issue.