Margaret Morris Cheesemaking Workshop

Registration is now open for the Margaret Morris workshop on April 2-3 hosted at Kennebec Cheesery with Jean Koons. This is an advanced hands-on cheesemaking workshop. The first day will focus on making a cheddar and possibly and tallegio or gouda style and we’ll collect input from attendees for what folks would like to make on day two.

Margaret Morris is the author of “The Cheesemakers’ Manual” and runs Glengarry Fine Cheese in Lancaster Ontario as well as the cheesemaking supply company, Glengarry Cheesemaking. Here’s a link to her website:

This is a small class, so there are no scholarships offered so that we can keep the price low for the attendees. The cost of this workshop is $250 for Maine Cheese Guild members and $300 for non-members (includes a Principal GuildĀ  membership).

To register, please email [email protected] and tell us if you have a cheese suggestion for day two. Please send your checks to:
Maine Cheese Guild

c/o Mary Belding
250 Walker Mills Road
Harrison ME 04040

Posted in Events, Learning.