Maine Farm Product and Pick-up Directory

“University of Maine Cooperative Extension worked with Allison Lakin, owner of East Forty Farm and Dairy, and Lakin’s Gorges Cheese in Waldoboro, to develop the database of Maine farmers’ creative distribution strategies implemented for the public.”

~University of Maine Extension Service article

Lakin is a long time member of the Maine Cheese Guild, and many Guild cheesemakers are included on the Extension’s new resource for locating locally produced food that is available directly  from farms during the Covid-19 epidemic.  Farmers’ Markets are also considered essential businesses and  many Maine cheesemakers rely on them to market their products. Visit Maine Federation of Farmers’ Markets for a comprehensive listing of markets and updates.

Maine Farm Product Pick-Up Directory

You can learn more here, in an article on the Penobsoct Bay area news site,

We also suggest you check driectly with Maine Cheesemakers on how to purchase their products. See our Maine Cheese Guild Cheesemaker & Supporting Partners map with contact information on our members.


Posted in Connections, Find Cheese, News.