May 11 – U of Maine Cooperative Extension, Orono (Sanitation Workshop)
*Now Full; No Longer Accepting New Registrations*
Sanitation Training & Introduction to HACCP for Cheese-makers
May 11, 2009
McIntire Room, Buchanan Alumni House; UMaine, Orono campus
Time: 10:00am – 4:00pm
Lunch is provided. Free for Maine Cheese Guild Members
$10.00 for non-Guild members
Please register with Melissa Potts via email: [email protected] or by calling toll free: 1-800-287-7170, as we have a registration limit of 30 people.
Directions can be downloaded from the University website, including a campus map.
If you do not have internet access, please call Melissa for a campus map.
Tentative Schedule:
10:00am – Registration
10:30am – Beth Calder (Extension Food Science Specialist) will discuss bacteria, bacterial growth and food safety.
11:15am- Gary Anderson (Extension Animal and Bio-Sciences Specialist) will discuss farm and milk room sanitation, cleaning equipment, recommended water temperatures, appropriate cleaning/sanitizing products and how to use them, quality testing and thoughts from a dairy inspector’s perspective.
Break at 12:30pm – Lunch will be provided.
Resume with Gary’s talk at 1:15pm.
1:45pm – Barbara Brooks (Seal Cove Farm; Lamoine, ME) will discuss sanitation from the farm/cheese processing perspective; what has worked for her and problems she has encountered and what she has done to correct the situation.
2:30pm – Beth will discuss recommended cleaners/sanitizers for the cheese-room and FDA recommendations at what level to use.
3:00pm – Beth will briefly describe HACCP principles and how to incorporate HACCP into your cheese-making process along with worksheets to take home.
4:00pm – End of training/Questions & answers.
I think it’s really important that we get as many Guild and non-Guild cheesemakers to attend this workshop.